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Do you have too many students out of the classroom losing valuable instructional time?

Too many tardies?
Too many absences?
Too many detentions?
Too many in school suspensions?
Too many referrals to the principal's office?
Not enough parent involvement, or too much?
Worried about school safety?

I understand.

Our programs will reduce office referrals by 85%.

We will help you increase parent communication and involvement by 95%. We can help!

Our schools achieve results:

For every 200 students in your school, you shouldn't have more than one office referral each week. For example if your school has 800 students, you shouldn't have more than 4 office referrals each week.

We have trained over 500 schools including 50,000 teachers, administrators and parents effecting 500,000 students.

We provide administrative team planning, staff development training, parenting workshops, and follow-up coaching.

We start with the leadership team, working together to develop a school-wide behavior management plan. Next, we train the teachers in Effective Behavior Management strategies. Then we provide workshops for parents to ensure that the entire school community speaks the same language, participates together in the school-wide plan, and nurtures a school climate and culture where all students can succeed.

After the inservice training, we will provide follow-up coaching and monitoring to ensure school-wide success.

Introducing: Effective Teaching Institutes
The Effective Teaching Institute is a multi-day, intensive, hands-on course, that covers the most critical skills a teacher must possess in order to effectively teach in today’s K-12 classrooms.

From the moment students walk into the classroom we will DEVELOP every academic and non-academic procedure, show how to TEACH the procedure, and demonstrate how to POSITIVELY reinforce students.  We will break it down to the steps necessary for teacher and student success: how to START every lesson, how to CHECK for understanding, how to ENGAGE every student, when to REDIRECT, and how to issue CONSEQUENCES. Click here for more information! 

"I've worked in this school district for 16 years. This is the best workshop on classroom management that I have ever attended. We learned not only the "theory" behind why we need to change our strategies, but also precisely what to do. To administrators, faculty and others struggling with challenging students, I wholeheartedly recommend this workshop."

-L. Boyer-Chu, San Francisco, CA

Click here to read a letter from a student!

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